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how to survive the winter if you plan to study in the usa, uk or canada

How to Survive the winter if you plan to Study in the USA, UK or Canada?

If you plan to take an  undergraduate or postgraduate degree in the USA, UK or Canada,  these are the dates where you will experience the coldest season of the year. But do not worry! In this Guru Counselor we will tell you about the best habits, techniques and resources that will allow you to survive extreme climates and learn to enjoy them.

Prepare your body for the winter season

During winter the human body undergoes alterations. It should be prepared properly, especially if you are not used to freezing temperatures. For example, lack of sunlight leads to vitamin D deficiency. When it is cold, the body uses more energy to maintain a stable temperature. Therefore, healthy, caloric and hot meals are extremely comforting. Vegetable creams, teas, coffee and hot chocolate are recurrent on the table, in addition, these will also help your academic performance.

Check daily Weather Forecasts

In countries with four seasons, where extreme climates and atmospheric phenomena are frequent, such as the United States or Canada, checking daily weather forecasts is a well-accepted habit among locals. Weather forecasting services are very successful, as they have the most advanced technological devices to anticipate disaster situations and alert the population.

Learn to Dress

The enjoyment of winter begins with learning to dress and put on the right shoes. We suggest layering your clothes, but always maintaining the comfort that is essential for a student. The first, attached to the skin, is usually pants and a kind of long-sleeved shirt, very thin, made from a natural thermal textile. The second layer is made up of the clothing you will wear: pants or leggings, for the ladies, shirts, flannels, t-shirts, etc. 

Do Some Physical Activity

Performing some type of physical exercise outside is highly recommended during winter, it allows you to stay in shape, facilitates the enjoyment of sunlight (which is scarce in the season) and stimulates tolerance to cold. If you are studying your undergraduate you can try a sport from your university such as baseball, bastekball or soccer. Even a simple 20-minute morning walk twice a week can make a difference. Those who enjoy better physical conditions and have a high sense of risk can venture to practice winter sports.

You see? You can get used to it and come to enjoy this season of the country in which you find yourself. Dare and live a beautiful experience in the snow, take the first step and prepare to study abroad.

Raja Arslan

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